Monday, September 6, 2010

Spider Legs had nothing on Yin Yang

First comic in my Phantasmagoria comic.
Open to various interpretations, soulfully discerned.

Yin Yang definition:
(Chinese philosophy) the two fundamental principles, one negative, dark, passive, cold, wet, and feminine (yin) and the other (yang) positive, bright, active, dry, hot and masculine. The interactions and balance of these forces in people and nature influence their behavior and fate. [RHUD]

In East Asian thought, the two complementary forces or principles that make up all aspects and phenomena of life. Yin is earth, female, dark, passive, and absorbing; it is present in even numbers and in valleys and streams and is represented by the tiger, the colour orange, and a broken line. Yang is heaven, male, light, active, and penetrating; it is present in odd numbers and mountains and is represented by the dragon, the colour azure, and an unbroken line. Together they express the interdependence of opposites.
For more information on yin-yang, visit

Extract below from


In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin and yang applies to many more issues of life than merely the relationship between the sexes. In Taoism, a branch of Buddhism, heaven is masculine and earth is feminine suggesting the dependence of the entire creation upon the Creator. A whole series of possible interactions between the yin and yang in life is contained in the Chinese Book of Changes, the I Ching. This book contains wise sayings resembling the Proverbs of Solomon. In using the I Ching (pronounced "ee jing") the proper set of wise sayings selected from the text (when one is confronted by a particular situation and wants advice) is determined by tossing a coin or throwing yarrow sticks. The underlying principle is chance, or a belief in oracles. Carl Jung elaborated on why the I Ching "works" and why it seems to give helpful answers, by supposing that apparently unrelated events are governed by a principle he called synchronicity which he thought was one of the properties of the collective unconscious. However, these concepts are easily extended to a form of Eastern pantheism which in actuality denies the God of the Bible as the One who is in charge. (Many scholars now believe that Jung was a modern Gnostic influenced by Christianity, but not necessarily a true Christian himself).
God does not prohibit our quest for knowledge except into the occult arts where we come too easily into bondage to what the Bible calls "the elemental principles (or spirits) of the world." As Christians we are prohibited from consulting fortunetellers, Tarot cards, Ouija boards, astrologers, or familiar ("channeling") spirits. The I Ching is fascinating even though we are not to use it as our guide book in making wise choices. It hints at harmony as well as disorder in life and shows the complexity of choices and the paradoxes we all face in making choices. James the brother of Jesus says there are two types of wisdom in the world one truth and the other false. However, mere knowledge is never enough to guide us along life's way, we need God's direct help and daily guidance as well as knowledge:

"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty and insincerity. And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." (James 3:13- 18)

1 comment:

Veronika Nasamoto said...

Yin is female with all negative attributes: negative, cold, dark, evil, .... why?
This continuum is incongruent.
Male and female come together and create. Darkness and light can never come together. Light will always dispel darkness; darkness is absence of light.
Yin yang principles do not hold up to natural physics law or scientific rigour.

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